She still misses him after what he just did to her? At this point, it's better to just request a divorce and go live somewhere far away in peace. Let him suffer his regrets alone. I wish some of these FLs knew when to call it quits on a bad relationship.
There is no trust in this relationship because of the OG version of Belita. And it is super super unfair for the FL to bear the brunt of that mistrust.
Bro why miss him..this is the first time I see male lead act this shitty even after “supposedly” falling for female lead … he not worth it girl .. DIVORCE IS THE WAY
He's not even pressured by anyone and yet he just can't fucking wait to lock her up huh? And how does locking her up and depriving her of food, water and medicine going to help? It's not like they're torturing her for information. This fucker really is just tormenting Belita to vent for his lost knight like a fucking kid.
I better be seeing him shaking, crying, pissing, throwing up trying to make amends if we can't change the male lead.
Times like this you remember that the male lead was a tyrannical weirdo who showed up bathed in the blood of his enemies intending to consumate a marriage with the daughter of an empire he conquered (his prize). I mean their relationship was mad cute for a bit, but dude's a colonizer.
Everyone in this Manhwa are idiots. No one, not even a single person, though: maybe knights successfully found the oasis and now working on setting up the base there? Everyone just assumed that FL is betrayed them and used ML trust to harm him. And how exactly sending her to prison will help? Even if she indeed send knights for death, she doesn't know where and when they died. And I agree with others who said it would be better when truth comes out for her to not forgive ML easily, even If it was because of previous Bellita's reputation it is so unfair. I think she should ignore ML for some time, at least until he will beg her for forgiveness on his knees.
We need to see blood before she even thinks of forgiving him cause he really went too far. Locking her up with no food and water is basically telling her to die. No man who loves his woman could even think of doing something as despicable as that. He deserves no forgiveness tbh so I'm no longer rooting for him. Anton come back quickly, dude stop making us anxious 🥲
Damn it, i wish FL will hate him for a while, leave him or better divorce him. I wish ML will suffer more than belita. How is this punishment if you just believe rumour immediately ckckck