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The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon (Official)
Skeletal Soldiers Could Not Protect the Dungeon / Skeleton Soldier / Skeleton Soldier Couldn't Protect the Dungeon / Soldado esqueleto / Воин-скелет не смог защитить подземелье / 从1级开始的异世界骑士 / 骷髅骑士没能守住副本 / 骷髏士兵卷土重來 / 骸骨兵士はダンジョンを守れなかった / 해골병사는 던전을 지키지 못했다
Sosori / Wolhet / Kangye Seul
Fun Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord
Easygoing Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord: Production Magic Turns a Nameless Village into the Strongest Fortified City / Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei / お気楽領主の楽しい領地防衛 / Fun Territory Defense Of The Easy-going Lord ~the Nameless Village Is Made Into The Strongest Fortified City By Production Magic~
Mitsuru Inoue / Maro Aoiro
Guiding a Rival to Become the Emperor
Raising the Enemy Only Brings Trouble / Breed My Dear Enemy / How to Raise an Enemy / Our Binding Love: My Gentle Tyrant / Yang Di Wei Huan / 养敌为患 / 强制欢宠:我的温柔暴君 / 転移お嬢様は導きたい! / 악당이지만 남주를 키웠습니다
Fengyuziran / Kuaikan / Boyi Animation / Daoshang Project
I Was Summoned to Be a Saint, but Was Robbed of the Position [Official]
I Was Summoned to Be the Saint, but I Was Robbed of the Position, Apparently / Ik werd opgeroepen om een heilige te zijn, maar werd beroofd van de positie... / On m'a demandé d'être un saint, mais on m'a volé cette fonction / Ich wurde berufen, ein Heiliger zu sein, aber ich wurde dieser Position beraubt / Saya Dipanggil untuk Menjadi Orang Suci, tetapi Dirampok dari Posisi Itu / Я был призван стать святым, но меня лишили этой должности / Fui invocada para ser La santa, pero creo que me robaron el título / 本该是圣女,却被顶替了 / 聖女のはずが、どうやら乗っ取られました / 성녀였는데 어째선지 아니게 되었습니다
Yoshitaka Hana / Jisama
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Comedy,Fantasy,Isekai,Magic,Military,Reincarnation,Romance,Slice of Life,Video Games,Villainess
🇵🇹Feng Shen Ji
A Lenda e o Herói / 封神紀 / 封神記 / Chronicles of the God's Order / Feng Shen Ji II / Feng Shen Ji III / La Leyenda del Héroe / Phong Thần Ký / The Legend and the Hero
zheng jian he / cheng kin wo / tang chi fai
Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Horror,Martial Arts,Romance,Supernatural,Tragedy
Itai no wa Iya na no de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri shitai to Omoimasu
All points are divided to VIT because a painful one isn’t liked. / BOFURI: Dato che non sopporto il dolore, metterò tutti i punti in difesa / BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, So I'll Max Out My Defense / BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. / Bofuri: Je suis pas venue ici pour souffrir alors j'ai tout mis en défense. / Dado que el dolor es desagradable para mí, creo que voy a poner todos mis puntos en defensa. / I hate being in pain, so I think I'll make a full defense build / I Hate Getting Hurt, So I Put All My Skill Points Into Defense / Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu / Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyo-Ryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu / Shield Heroine / Vì mình chẳng muốn bị đau nên mình sẽ nâng tối đa lực phòng ngự. / Не люблю боль, поэтому собираюсь вложить всё в защиту. / 因为太怕痛就全点防御力了 / 因為太怕痛就全點防禦力了 / 怕痛的我,把防御力点满就对了 / 怕痛的我,把防禦力點滿就對了 / 痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います。 / 盖吾惧痛,故全御是也 / 蓋吾懼痛,故全禦是也 / 防振り / 아픈 건 싫으니까 방어력에 올인하려고 합니다
Yuumikan / Oimoto (OIMOTO Jirou)
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Sci-Fi,Virtual Reality
🇪🇸The Ravages of Time
三国志群雄伝火鳳燎原 / 火鳳燎原 / Hỏa Phụng Liêu Nguyên / Huo Feng Liao Yuan / Kahou Ryougen / Sangokushi Gunyuuden Kahou Ryougen / Sanguozhi Qunxiongzhuan: Huo Feng Liao Yuan
chen mou
Seinen(M),Action,Drama,Historical,Martial Arts,Psychological,Romance
Feng Shen Ji II
封神紀Ⅱ / Chronicles of the God' / s Order II / The Legend and the Hero II
zheng jian he / cheng kin wo / tang chi fai
Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts,Supernatural
The Pearl Grudge
Pearl Sorrow / Zhenzhu Yuan
wu man chi (story), ou bi feng (art)
Kaifeng Qi Tan - Zhe Ge Bao Gong Bu Tai Xing
开封奇谈 - 这个包公不太行 / Kaifeng Strange Tales - This Lord Bao is Not That Great
xiao chen shou
Garbage Hero: A Revenge Story of a Hero Who Got Summoned to Another World
Garbage Brave / Garbage Brave: Isekai ni Shoukan Sare Suterareta Yuusha no Fukushuu Monogatari / Garbage Brave【Revenge Story of a Hero Who Has Been Thrown Away After Being Summoned to Another World】 / Garbage Hero's Revenge: Story of a Hero, That Was Summoned to Another World and Was Thrown Away / Rache des Müll Helden: Geschichte eines Helden, der in einer anderen Welt beschworen und weggeworfen Wurde / Отстойный герой: Месть в ином мире / ガベージブレイブ 異世界に召喚され捨てられた勇者の復讐物語 / ガベージブレイブ【異世界に召喚され捨てられた勇者の復讐物語】
Nanjamonja / Kinashi haruka
Like Husband Like Son
萌宝来袭 ; Meng Bao Lai Xi / Like Husband Like Son,Ma Mi Wo Die Di Ni ,萌宝来袭 , Si Kecil yang Menggemaskan
Feng Shen Ji
封神紀 / 封神纪 / Chronicles of the God' / s Order / Feng Shen Ji II / Feng Shen Ji III / Phong Thần Ký / The Legend and the Hero
zheng jian he / tang chi fai
Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts,Supernatural
The Ravages of Time
三国志群雄伝火鳳燎原 / 火鳳燎原 / Hỏa Phụng Liêu Nguyên / Huo Feng Liao Yuan / Kahou Ryougen / Sangokushi Gunyuuden Kahou Ryougen / Sanguozhi Qunxiongzhuan: Huo Feng Liao Yuan
chen mou
Seinen(M),Action,Drama,Historical,Martial Arts,Psychological,Romance
Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon
学園特警デュカリオン / CLAMP School Defenders / Duklyon / Duklyon: CLAMP School Defenders
ohkawa ageha / clamp / apapa mokona
The Pearl Grudge
珍珠怨 / Pearl Sorrow / Zhenzhu Yuan
wu man chi / ou bi feng
Feng Shen Ji
封神記 / Chronicles of the God's Order / The Legend and the Hero
tang chi fai / zheng jian he
Seinen(M),Action,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts
Kaifeng Strange Tales - This Lord Bao is not that great
开封奇谈 / 开封奇谈-这个包公不太行 / Kaifeng Qi Tan - Zhe Ge Bao Gong Bu Tai Xing
xiao chen shou
I Shall Seal the Heavens
Wo Yu Feng Tian 我欲封天
er gen
Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Supernatural
Feng Shen Ji
A Lenda e o Herói / 封神紀 / 封神記 / Chronicles of the God's Order / Feng Shen Ji II / Feng Shen Ji III / La Leyenda del Héroe / Phong Thần Ký / The Legend and the Hero
zheng jian he / cheng kin wo / tang chi fai
Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Horror,Martial Arts,Romance,Supernatural,Tragedy
The Pearl Grudge
珍珠怨 / Hạt lệ Trân Châu / Pearl Sorrow / Zhenzhu Yuan
wu man chi / ou bi feng
I Shall Seal the Heavens
Wo Yu Feng Tian
er gen / i shall seal the heavens 96
Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Supernatural
Kaifeng Strange Tales - This Lord Bao is not that great
Kaifeng Qi Tan - Zhe Ge Bao Gong Bu Tai Xing
xiao chen shou
The Ravages of Time
火鳳燎原 / Hỏa Phụng Liêu Nguyên (Vietnamese) / Huo Feng Liao Yuan
chen mou / the ravages of time 542
Seinen(M),Action,Drama,Gender Bender,Historical
The Ravages of Time
三国志群雄伝火鳳燎原 / 火鳳燎原 / Hỏa Phụng Liêu Nguyên / Huo Feng Liao Yuan / Kahou Ryougen / Sangokushi Gunyuuden Kahou Ryougen / Sanguozhi Qunxiongzhuan: Huo Feng Liao
chen mou
Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Historical,Martial Arts,Psychological
🇮🇹The Ravages of Time
Hỏa Phụng Liêu Nguyên / Huo Feng Liao Yuan / Kahou Ryougen / Sangokushi Gunyuuden Kahou Ryougen / Sanguozhi Qunxiongzhuan: Huo Feng Liao Yuan / 三国志群雄伝火鳳燎原 / 火鳳燎原
Chen Mou
🇪🇸Feng Shen Ji
A Lenda e o Herói / 封神紀 / 封神記 / Chronicles of the God's Order / Feng Shen Ji II / Feng Shen Ji III / La Leyenda del Héroe / Phong Thần Ký / The Legend and the Hero
zheng jian he / cheng kin wo / tang chi fai
Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Horror,Martial Arts,Romance,Supernatural,Tragedy
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Digital Colored Comics
Blade of Demon Destruction / Demon Slayer / Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba / Espada matademonios / Guardianes de la noche / İblis Keser / Kimecu no jaiba / Korps Pembasmi Iblis / La lama dell'ammazzademoni / Les rôdeurs de la nuit / Lâmina aniquiladora de demônios / Miecz zabójcy demonów: Kimetsu no Yaiba / Pedang Pekaon Iblis / Pedang Pembunuh Iblis / Pourfendeur de démon / Quỷ Diệt Chi Nhận / Shpata e Shaktërrimit të Demonit / Thanh gươm diệt quỷ / Вбивця демонів / Истребитель демонов / Кімецу но Яіба / Убица демона / Դևերին ոչնչացնող թուրը / Կիմեցու նո յայդա / קוטל השדים / تیغه ی شیطان / شیطان کش / شیطان کش: کیمتسو نو یائیبا / قاتل الشياطين / لەتکەری شەیتان / किमत्सु नो यैबा / ডেমন স্লেয়ার: কিমেতসু নো ইয়ায়বা / ดาบพิฆาตอสูร / ດາບພິຄາດອະສູນ / ၵိးမဵႇတ်သု ၼူ ယၢႆပၢး / დემონების მკვეთი ხმალი / អ្នកប្រហារបិសាច / 鬼滅の刃 / 鬼滅之刃 / 鬼灭之刃 / 귀멸의 칼날
Gotouge Koyoharu
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Demons,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Martial Arts,Supernatural,Tragedy
Feng Shen Ji
Chronicles of the God's Order / The Legend and the Hero
zheng jian he / tang chi fai
Seinen(M),Action,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts
Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon
学園特警デュカリオン / CLAMP School Defenders / Duklyon / Duklyon: CLAMP School Defenders
ohkawa ageha
🇹🇷Feng Shen Ji
A Lenda e o Herói / 封神紀 / 封神記 / Chronicles of the God's Order / Feng Shen Ji II / Feng Shen Ji III / La Leyenda del Héroe / Phong Thần Ký / The Legend and the Hero
zheng jian he / cheng kin wo / tang chi fai
Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Horror,Martial Arts,Romance,Supernatural,Tragedy
The Pearl Grudge
珍珠怨 / Pearl Sorrow / Zhenzhu Yuan / La Pena de la Perla
ou bi feng