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🇮🇩Komedi Romantis Penyihir Hitam dan Zombie
A Romcom About a Dark Witch and a Zombie / 黒魔女とゾンビのラブコメ
Yano Keito
🇮🇩Hal yang Terjadi Saat Aku Mulai Tinggal Bersama Pacarku
カノジョと同棲はじめた末路 / The Result of Living Together With my Girlfriend
Yano Keito
Penguin Highway
ペンギン・ハイウェイ / Le Mystère des Pingouins / Пингвинья тропа / 企鹅公路
MORIMI Tomihiko / Yano Keito
🇮🇩Aku Tahu Bagaimana Cara Menangani Aplikasi Hipnotis!!!
催眠アプリの対処法わかった!!!! / I know how to deal with hypnosis apps!
Yano Keito
🇮🇩Pacar yang Aku Sayangi
気にしてるカノジョ / The Girlfriend I Care About
Yano Keito
🇯🇵Oneshot,Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Kalian Berdua Sangat Dekat, Apa Kalian Pacaran?
仲いいけどお前ら付き合ってるの? / You Two are so Close, Are You Dating?
Yano Keito
🇯🇵Oneshot,Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Mencoba Pura-Pura Punya Pacar di Depan Orang Tuaku
親に彼女いるって見栄はっちゃって… / Trying to Fake Having a Girlfriend in Front of My Parents
Yano Keito
🇯🇵Oneshot,Shounen(B),Romance,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Dulu Aku Sangat Disukai...
昔はあんなに好かれてたのに… / I Used to be Loved so Much
Yano Keito
🇮🇩Ada Banyak Pasangan di Taman Hiburan...
遊園地にはカップルが多い… / There are Many Couples at the Amusement Park...
Yano Keito
🇮🇩Cara Memberi Mantra pada Sensei
先生に呪いをかける方法 / How to Put a Spell on a Teacher
Yano Keito
🇯🇵Oneshot,Shounen(B),Romance,School Life
🇮🇩Jo Tomodachi to Tēmapāku itta Matsuro
女友達とテーマパーク行った末路 / After an Amusement Park "Date" With a Female Friend
Yano Keito
🇮🇩Gadis Mangaka
漫画描きの女の子 / The Girl Drawing Manga
Yano Keito
🇯🇵Oneshot,Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life