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Slayers: Suiriyuuou no Kishi
すれいやーず すいりゆうおうのきし / スレイヤーズ水竜王の騎士 / Slayers Knight of Aqua Lord / Slayers: Knight of Aqualord / Slayers: Knight of the Aqua Lord
kanzaka hajime / ohtsuka tommy / araizumi rui
An Entangled Summon?! and I'm a "God" Now?? (Official)
Am I a God? / Lemon Summon / Makikomare Shoukan?! Soshite Watashi wa "Kami" deshita?? / Summoned by Being Involved?! and I Was "God"?? / 巻き込まれ召喚!? そして私は『神』でした??
Mahapuru / Tommy Ohtsuka
ホークウッド / Хоквуд / Hawkwood - Mercenaire de la Guerre de Cent Ans / A Story of a Condottiere of the Hundred Years' War
Ohtsuka Tommy