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Last Game

🇫🇷Last Game

Último Jogo / ラストゲーム / El Último Juego / Game Terakhir / Huling Laro / L'ultima Sfida / Ostateczna rozgrywka / Son Oyun / آخرین بازی / اللعبة الأخيرة
amano shinobu
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Isshun No Tsuki

Isshun No Tsuki

ひきたて役の恋 / 最佳女配角之恋 / Hikitate Yaku no Koi / Sehnsuchtssplitter
shimaki ako
Chapter 2
Last Game

🇮🇹Last Game

Último Jogo / ラストゲーム / El Último Juego / Huling Laro / L'ultima Sfida / Ostateczna rozgrywka / Son Oyun / آخرین بازی / اللعبة الأخيرة
amano shinobu
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Volume 8 Chapter 45
Last Game

🇭🇺Last Game

Último Jogo / ラストゲーム / El Último Juego / Huling Laro / L'ultima Sfida / Ostateczna rozgrywka / Son Oyun / آخرین بازی / اللعبة الأخيرة
amano shinobu
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Volume 2 Chapter 13
Hikitateyaku no Koi

Hikitateyaku no Koi

A Moment's Moon / ひきたて役の恋 / 一瞬の月 / Hikitate Yaku no Koi / Isshun no Tsuki / Sehnsuchtssplitter (german) / 最佳女配角之恋
shimaki ako
Shoujo(G),Drama,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Tragedy
Volume 1 Chapter 2
Last Game

🇵🇱Last Game

Último Jogo / ラストゲーム / El Último Juego / Huling Laro / L'ultima Sfida / Ostateczna rozgrywka / Son Oyun / آخرین بازی / اللعبة الأخيرة
amano shinobu
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Volume 2 Chapter 6
Advance of Z - Titans no Hata no Moto ni

Advance of Z - Titans no Hata no Moto ni

アドバンス・オブ・Z / アドバンス・オブ・Z~ティターンズの旗のもとに~ / Advance of Ζ: The Flag of Titans / Advance of Z - The Flag of Titans / Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans
tomino yoshiyuki / yatate hajime / mizuki tatsu
Chapter 11
Night Head

Night Head

ナイトヘッド / 暗夜第六感
iida george / tateno makoto
Chapter 4
Hikitateyaku no Koi

🇵🇹Hikitateyaku no Koi

A Moment's Moon / ひきたて役の恋 / 一瞬の月 / Hikitate Yaku no Koi / Isshun no Tsuki / Sehnsuchtssplitter (german) / 最佳女配角之恋
shimaki ako
Shoujo(G),Drama,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Tragedy
Volume 1 Chapter 2
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin

機動戦士ガンダムTHE ORIGIN / Gundam Origini / Gundam: The Origin / Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin
hajime yatate / tomino yoshiyuki / yasuhiko yoshikazu
Volume 5 Chapter 22
Jyuushin Gura

Jyuushin Gura

??????? / ??? Jyuushin Gura / Jyuushingura
kurata hideyuki ( story ) tateo retsu junguuji noriyuki ( art )
Chapter 1
Maboroshibi no Eden

🇪🇸Maboroshibi no Eden

幻日のエデン / Parhelic Eden
tateno makoto
Chapter 0
Hitomi - Tenkuu no Escaflowne

Hitomi - Tenkuu no Escaflowne

メサイア・ナイト 天空のエスカフローネ / Escaflowne / HITOMI - Escaflowne of the Heavens / HITOMI - The Vision of Escaflowne / HITOMI 天空のエスカフローネ / Messiah Knight - Escaflowne of the Heavens
kawamori shoji / yatate hajime / yashiro yuzuru
Volume 2 Chapter 9
Onna no Ko ga H na Manga Egaicha Dame desu ka?

Onna no Ko ga H na Manga Egaicha Dame desu ka?

女のコがHなマンガ描いちゃダメですか? / 谁说女孩子就不可以画H漫画? / Is It Wrong For A Girl To Draw H-Manga? / Onna no Ko ga H na Manga Egaicha Dame desuka?
james hotate
Seinen(M),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Chapter 12
Anemone (Tateha)

🇹🇷Anemone (Tateha)

ch.0 (v2)
Night Head

Night Head

ナイトヘッド / 暗夜第六感
iida george / tateno makoto / night head 5
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Issho ni Gohan. - Takitate!

Issho ni Gohan. - Takitate!

いっしょにごはん。ー炊きたて!ー / Dinner Together! / Issho ni Gohan - Takitate!
yukihiro utako / maruyama noriko
Josei(W),Comedy,Slice of Life
Chapter 13
Obaka-chan, Koigatariki

Obaka-chan, Koigatariki

おバカちゃん、恋語りき / Obaka-chan, Koikatariki / Obaka-chan - A fool for Love / Dear Miss Fool, Searching for Love? / Searching for Love, Miss Fool? / Sevgili Bayan aptal,Aşk mı Arıyor? / غبية - شان,تبحث عن الحب. (Arabic) / 바보사랑 이야기 / Cô ngốc đi tìm yêu thương / รักบ๊องๆ ของยัยจอมป่วน / 傻瓜 恋爱物语 / 小傻瓜戀物語 / 笨蛋小姐,在找爱情吗? / 笨蛋小姐,在找愛情嗎? (Chinese) / Kjære frøken dust, leter du etter kjærlighet?(Norwegian) / Miela panele kvaile, ieškote meilės? (Lithuanian) / Domnișoară naivitate, în căutare de iubire? (Romanian)
sato zakuri
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Volume 3 Chapter 38
Kamisama no Iutoori (FUJIMURA Akeji)

Kamisama no Iutoori (FUJIMURA Akeji)

Like God Says / As God of Death Dictates / As The God of Death Dictates
kaneshiro muneyuki / fujimura akeji
Chapter 21
Meiyaku no Leviathan

🇵🇹Meiyaku no Leviathan

盟約のリヴァイアサン / Meiyaku No Rivaiasan / The Leviathan of the Covenant
bau / taketsuki jou / tatetsu teto
Chapter 7
Kamisama no Iutoori (FUJIMURA Akeji)

Kamisama no Iutoori (FUJIMURA Akeji)

神さまの言うとおり (藤村緋二) / 诚如神之所说 / As God of Death Dictates (FUJIMURA Akeji) / As The God of Death Dictates (FUJIMURA Akeji) / Kamisama no Iu Toori (FUJIMURA Ake
kaneshiro muneyuki
Chapter 21
Meiyaku no Leviathan

🇪🇸Meiyaku no Leviathan

盟約のリヴァイアサン / Meiyaku No Rivaiasan / The Leviathan of the Covenant
bau / taketsuki jou / tatetsu teto
Chapter 4
Ai to Okane

Ai to Okane

愛とお金 / Love and Bread / Love and Money / amor y dinero (spanish)
tateno makoto
Volume 1 Chapter 9
Pita Ten

Pita Ten

ぴたテン / 迷糊天使 / Pita-Ten / Pitari Tenshi / Pitaten / PitaTen
koge donbo
Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 47
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari

Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari

The Rising of the Shield Hero / Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari / Tate no Yusha no Nariagari / 盾之勇者成名錄 / 盾の勇者の成り上がり / 방패 용사 성공담 / Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari / Der Aufstieg des Schildhelden / El Ascenso del Héroe del Escudo / Kalkan Kahramanı'nın Yükselişi / L'Ascension du Héro au Bouclier / Pag-aalsa ng Bayani / Kebangkitan Pahlawan Perisai / Восхождение Героя Щита / ผู้กล้าโล่ผงาด / 盾之勇者成名录 / 방패 용사 성공담 (방패 용자의 성공기) / Сходження героя щита / L'ascesa dell'eroe con lo scudo / Sự Trỗi Dậy Của Khiên Anh HùngQuan
aneko yusagi / aiya kyu
Chapter 112
Oniichan Lab

Oniichan Lab

Oniichan Love / Onichan Lab Tateno Makoto
tateno makoto
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Kidou Senshi Crossbone Gundam Ghost

Kidou Senshi Crossbone Gundam Ghost

Crossbone Gundam Ghost / Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Ghost
tomino yoshiyuki ,yatate hajime / hasegawa yuuichi
Kidou Senshi Z Gundam Define

Kidou Senshi Z Gundam Define

機動戦士Ζガンダ Define
yatate hajime / kitazume hiroyuki
Chapter 44
Gaku Ou - The Twinkle Star Story

🇵🇱Gaku Ou - The Twinkle Star Story

学☆王 ~the twinkle star story~ / Gaku Ou / Gaku☆Ou - The Twinkle Star Story
lump of sugar / tatetsu teto
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Mystery,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
Chapter 6
Joou to  Shitateya

🇪🇸Joou to Shitateya

女王と仕立て屋 / Joou to Shitateya / Queen and the Tailor
scarlet beriko
Yaoi(BL),Drama,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Yakitate!! Japan

Yakitate!! Japan

Fresh-Baked Japan / Freshly-Baked Japan
hashiguchi, takashi
Chapter 242
As the Death God Dictates

As the Death God Dictates

神様の言うとおり / As God of Death Dictates / As the Death God Dictates / As The God of Death Dictates / Kamisama no Iu Toori / Kamisama no Iutoori
mimori ao
Chapter 8
Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop

カウボーイビバップ / 宇宙牛仔 / Cowboy Bebop: A New Story / Kaubōi Bibappu
yatate hajime / nanten yutaka
Chapter 11
Myuuzu Gakuen de Aou

Myuuzu Gakuen de Aou

Let's Meet at the Campus of Muses / See You in the School of the Muse / Muse no Gakuen de Aou / Myuuzu no Gakuen de Aou / Warui Yume / Bad Dream / Cage / Ori / Like the Barren Wasteland / Areno no Gotoku
tateno, makoto (story & art)
Chapter 4


じゅうしんぐら / 獣臣蔵 / Jyuushin Gura / Jyuushingura
kurata hideyuki / junguuji noriyuki / tateo retsu
Chapter 1