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Umarekawatte mo mata, Watashi to Kekkon shite kuremasu ka?

Umarekawatte mo mata, Watashi to Kekkon shite kuremasu ka?

Will you marry me again if you are reborn? / 生まれ変わってもまた、私と結婚してくれますか
Morinaga Miku
Manga,Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 22 [End]
Kawaii Yajuu-kun Gaikokujin Kareshi to Hiyokko Renai Hajimemashita

Kawaii Yajuu-kun Gaikokujin Kareshi to Hiyokko Renai Hajimemashita

My Sweet Adorable Beast -My Very First Romance Is an International One!- / かわいい野獣くん*外国人彼氏とひよっこ恋愛はじめました*
Othello Shimajima
Chapter 12 [END]
I Thought My Husband Was Supposed to Die? (Official)

I Thought My Husband Was Supposed to Die? (Official)

Wasn't My Husband Dying? / I Thought You Were a Time-Limited Husband / I Thought You Were a Time-Limited Husband? / Wasn't My Husband Terminally Ill? / ไหนว่าเป็นสามีจำกัดเวลาไงคะ? / 余命わずかな夫だと思っていましたが!? / 还以为是身患绝症的丈夫? / 시한부 남편인 줄 알았습니다만?
Gaonnarabich / Haesam / Ongya / Yunseo
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Magic,Romance,Transmigration
Chapter 40
The Dying Villainess Denies Adoption [Official]

The Dying Villainess Denies Adoption [Official]

The Terminally Ill Villainess Refuses Adoption / The Villain Refuses Adoption / Неизлечимо больная злодейка отказывается быть усыновленной / 余命わずかなので養子はお断りします / 短命恶女拒绝领养 / 시한부 악녀는 입양을 거절합니다
chanok / Seo Gwijo / yeoman
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Romance,Transmigration,Villainess
Episode 41
Imouto ni Fianse wo Yuzure to Iwaremashita, Saikyou no Ryuu ni Kiniirarete Masakano Okoku Nottori?

Imouto ni Fianse wo Yuzure to Iwaremashita, Saikyou no Ryuu ni Kiniirarete Masakano Okoku Nottori?

I Was Told to Relinquish My Fiance to My Little Sister, and the Greatest Dragon Took a Liking to Me and Unbelievably Took over the Kingdom / I Was Told to Relinquish My Fiancé to My Little Sister, and the Greatest Dragon Took a Liking to Me and Unbelievably Took Over the Kingdom / Ils m'ont dit d'abandonner mon fiancé à ma sœur / Ils m'ont dit d'abandonner mon fiancé à ma sœur, et le plus fort des dragons se prenait d'affection pour moi et incroyablement conquérait le royaume / Imouto ni Fiancé wo Yuzure to Iwaremashita, Saikyou no Ryuu ni Kiniirarete Masakano Okoku Nottori? / Imouto ni Fianse wo Yuzure to Iwaremashita, Saikyou no Ryuu ni Kiniirarete Masakano Okoku Nottori? / La Novia del Dragón / Me dijeron que renunciara a mi prometido y se lo diera mi hermanita, y el dragón más grande me gustó e increíblemente se apoderó del reino / My Sister Told Me to Give Up My Fiancé / Я была вынуждена уступить жениха младшей сестре, но Великий Дракон полюбил меня и захватил королевство / 妹に婚約者を譲れと言われました 最強の竜に気に入られてまさかの王国乗っ取り
Kashiwa Ten /
Chapter 17
The Poor Lady’s Impulsive Proposal Somehow Leads to Getting Locked Up by the Infatuated Duke [Gourmet Scans]

The Poor Lady’s Impulsive Proposal Somehow Leads to Getting Locked Up by the Infatuated Duke [Gourmet Scans]

Nariyuki Kon, Nariyuki de Konyaku wo Moushikonda Yowaki Binbou Reijou desuga, Nazeka Jiki Koushaku-sama ni Dekiai sarete Torawarete imasu ,成り行きで婚約を申し込んだ弱気貧乏令嬢ですが、何故か次期公爵様に溺愛されて囚われています
Kotoko / Nimo Kakunimoto
Chapter 4
Watashi Babutte iidesuka? Nagusame Jouzu na Sensei ni Amae kata wo Ossowarimashita

Watashi Babutte iidesuka? Nagusame Jouzu na Sensei ni Amae kata wo Ossowarimashita

私、バブっていいですか? 慰め上手な先生に甘え方を教わりました / Can I Be Your Baby? -A Comforting Kindergarten Teacher Taught Me How To Let Go-
Chapter 7 [END]
Because I, the True Saint, was Banished, that Country is Done For! [Official]

Because I, the True Saint, was Banished, that Country is Done For! [Official]

真の聖女である私は追放されました。だからこの国はもう終わりです / Shin no Seijo de aru Watashi wa Tsuihou Saremashita. Dakara Kono Kuni wa Mou Owari desu / Even Though I Was the Real Saint, I Was Exiled - Which Means It's Already Over for My Country
Shikiso Utsuzawa / Mokuba Matsu
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Magic,Monsters,Romance,Slice of Life
I Became the Dying Female Lead's Sister [Official]

I Became the Dying Female Lead's Sister [Official]

I Became the Younger Sister of a Dying Woman / 余命わずかなヒロインの妹になりました / 시한부 여주의 동생이 되었다
Daon Studio / Bae Hee Jin / Taehan
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Fantasy,Full Color,Reincarnation,Romance,Royalty
Episode 57 [END]
Hey, Do You Still Think I’m a Crybaby?

Hey, Do You Still Think I’m a Crybaby?

ねぇ俺のこと、まだ泣き虫だと思ってる? ~誰と連絡してるのか、わかってるからね編~
Chapter 2.1
I Accidentally Tamed the Duke

I Accidentally Tamed the Duke

Ma vie empoisonnée / My Tyrant Husband Has Somehow Became Cautious / My Tyrant Husband Suddenly Became Docile / My Tyrant's Husband Somehow Became Cautious / Somehow, My Tyrant Husband Has Became Cautious / 暴君夫がどういうわけだか優しくなりました / 폭군 남편이 어쩐지 조신해졌다
Charam / Umpwa
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Regression,Romance
Chapter 85


Tomorrow やさしさにかわるまで / Tomorrow ~Until it changes to fondness~
orihara mito
Chapter 8
My Prince's Healing Touch

My Prince's Healing Touch

I Became the Older Sister of a Regretful Male Lead / I Became the Time-Handed Sister of the Regrets / Une romance à ma façon / 嫌われ主人公の余命わずかな姉になりました / 成为了悔悟男主的姐姐 / 每天都想和纯情皇子结婚 / 후회 남주의 시한부 누나가 되었다
Kim dream / swordG / ND
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Fantasy,Full Color,Romance
Chapter 87
I Accidentally Tamed the Duke (Official)

🇮🇩I Accidentally Tamed the Duke (Official)

Ma vie empoisonnée / My Tyrant Husband Has Somehow Became Cautious / My Tyrant Husband Suddenly Became Docile / My Tyrant's Husband Somehow Became Cautious / Somehow, My Tyrant Husband Has Became Cautious / 暴君夫がどういうわけだか優しくなりました / 폭군 남편이 어쩐지 조신해졌다
Charam / Umpwa
Chapter 62
Dekiai Ouji kara Nogareru Houhou: Watashi Zettai, Kekkon Shimasen!

🇯🇵Dekiai Ouji kara Nogareru Houhou: Watashi Zettai, Kekkon Shimasen!

How to Escape from a Smitten Prince -I Will Never Marry You!- / 溺愛王子から逃れる方法~わたし絶対、結婚しません!
Chapter 5
Kantai Collection -KanColle- Kizewashi Zekamashi (Doujinshi)

Kantai Collection -KanColle- Kizewashi Zekamashi (Doujinshi)

きぜわしぜかまし / Kantai Collection -KanColle- dj - Kizewashi Zekamashi
ababunch (circle) / abua
Volume 1 Chapter 0


Tomorrow やさしさにかわるまで / Tomorrow ~Until it changes to fondness~
orihara mito
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Oi, Hazure Skillda To Omowareteita Ga Bakemono Sugiru Ndaga.

Oi, Hazure Skillda To Omowareteita Ga Bakemono Sugiru Ndaga.

Hey, "Cheat code operation", which was thought to be a miss skill, is too monstrous. / おい、外れスキルだと思われていた《チートコード操作》が化け物すぎるんだが。 〜実家を追放され、世間からも無能と蔑まれていたが、幼馴染の皇女からめちゃくちゃ溺愛されるうえにスローライフが楽しすぎる〜.
Doma-doma / どまどま / Fuku Kitsune / 福きつね
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Harem,Martial Arts,Romance
Chapter 2.3
Shin no Seijo de aru Watashi wa Tsuihou Saremashita. Dakara Kono Kuni wa Mou Owari desu

Shin no Seijo de aru Watashi wa Tsuihou Saremashita. Dakara Kono Kuni wa Mou Owari desu

Even Though I Was the Real Saint, I Was Exiled - Which Means It's Already Over for My Country / 真の聖女である私は追放されました。だからこの国はもう終わりです
UTSUZAWA Shikiso / MATSU Mokuba
Chapter 4.2
Tomorrow -Yasashisa ni Kawaru made-

Tomorrow -Yasashisa ni Kawaru made-

Tomorrow やさしさにかわるまで / Tomorrow / Tomorrow ~Until it changes to fondness~
orihara mito
Chapter 0
(Sujin) Perbudakan Tak Terbatas

🇮🇩(Sujin) Perbudakan Tak Terbatas

そくばく いんふぃにty なわし に からめ とられます / Sokubaku Infinity Nawashi ni Karame Toraremasu / Infinite Bondage
Chapter 05 End
Bouzu Kawaiya Kesa Made Itoshi

Bouzu Kawaiya Kesa Made Itoshi

坊主かわいや袈裟までいとし / The monk is so cute, I love even his Kayasa.
honma akira
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Kantai Collection -KanColle- Kizewashi Zekamashi Fire (Doujinshi)

Kantai Collection -KanColle- Kizewashi Zekamashi Fire (Doujinshi)

きぜわしぜかましFire / Kantai Collection -KanColle- dj - Kizewashi Zekamashi Fire
ababunch (circle) / abua
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Drawing While Masturbating

Drawing While Masturbating

Are You Gonna Come? / Onanii Shinagara Kakimashita / Sensei, Ore ni Kamawazu Itte Kudasai!! / ※オナニーしながら描きました♥ / 先生、俺にかまわずイッてください!!
igarashi yui / drawing while masturbating 22
Chapter 21
Kawaii Yajuu-kun Gaikokujin Kareshi to Hiyokko Renai Hajimemashita

🇪🇸Kawaii Yajuu-kun Gaikokujin Kareshi to Hiyokko Renai Hajimemashita

My Sweet Adorable Beast -My Very First Romance Is an International One!- / かわいい野獣くん*外国人彼氏とひよっこ恋愛はじめました*
Othello Shimajima
Sensei, Ore ni Kamawazu Itte Kudasai!!

Sensei, Ore ni Kamawazu Itte Kudasai!!

Are You Gonna Come? / 先生、俺にかまわずイッてください!! / Onanii Shinagara Kakimashita / ※オナニーしながら描きました♥ / Drawing While Masturbating
Igarashi Yui
Chapter 42
It's the season when the otome game is about to begin, but it's hard for me as a mob.

🇨🇳It's the season when the otome game is about to begin, but it's hard for me as a mob.

津々見はと / うすいかつら
Chapter 1
Sekai wo Sukuu Tame ni Watashi to Asa Chun Dekimasu ka?

Sekai wo Sukuu Tame ni Watashi to Asa Chun Dekimasu ka?

o Save the World, Can You Lie in Bed With Me, a Subhuman, in the Morning? / 世界を救うために亜人(わたし)と朝チュンできますか?
Rekomaru otoi
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Ecchi,Mature,Comedy,Demons,Fantasy,Harem,Magic,Super Power,Supernatural
Kantai Collection -KanColle- Kizewashi Zekamashi Kessen Shien Daisakusen (Doujinshi)

Kantai Collection -KanColle- Kizewashi Zekamashi Kessen Shien Daisakusen (Doujinshi)

きぜわしぜかまし決戦支援大作戦 / Kantai Collection -KanColle- dj - Kizewashi Zekamashi Decisive Battle Support Operation / Kantai Collection -KanColle- dj - Kizewashi Zekamashi Kessen Shien Daisakusen / Kantai Collection -KanColle- dj - Shimakaze's Rowdy Decisive Battle Support Operation
ababunch (circle) / abua
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Apakah Kau Masih Mau Menikahiku Di Kehidupan Selanjutnya?

🇮🇩Apakah Kau Masih Mau Menikahiku Di Kehidupan Selanjutnya?

Umarekawatte mo mata, Watashi to Kekkon shite kuremasu ka?/ Will you marry me again if you are reborn? / 生まれ変わってもまた、私と結婚してくれますか
Morinaga miku
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Mi sposeresti di nuovo se rinascessi?

🇮🇹Mi sposeresti di nuovo se rinascessi?

Umarekawatte mo mata, Watashi to Kekkon shite kuremasu ka? / Will You Marry Me Again If You Are Reborn? / 生まれ変わってもまた、私と結婚してくれますか
Morinaga Miku
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Historical,Romance,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Until Death Do Us Part

Until Death Do Us Part

My Lifetime Husband Refuses to Get a Divorce / 余命わずかの夫が離婚してくれません / 시한부 남편이 이혼을 거부한다
JUNG HAIM / Kim_bluesoul / miso
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Romance
Chapter 40 [END]
Watashi oyaku ni tatemasuka ?

🇯🇵Watashi oyaku ni tatemasuka ?

わたし、お役にたてますか? ~上司のしつけに溺れたカラダ~
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Smut,Office Workers,Romance
Chapter 10 .END
My Prince's Healing Touch (Official)

🇮🇩My Prince's Healing Touch (Official)

I Became The Time-Handed Sister Of The Regrets / My Prince's Healing Touch / Une romance à ma façon / 嫌われ主人公の余命わずかな姉になりました / 成为了悔悟男主的姐姐 / 每天都想和纯情皇子结婚 / 후회 남주의 시한부 누나가 되었다
Geolgeom / Kim Dream / ND (II)
Chapter 60
Kiraware Yuusha O Enjita Ore Wa, Naze Ka Last Boss Ni Sukarete Issho Ni Seikatsu Shitemasu!

🇮🇩Kiraware Yuusha O Enjita Ore Wa, Naze Ka Last Boss Ni Sukarete Issho Ni Seikatsu Shitemasu!

Maneki Kamiya / Light
Bouzu Kawai ya Kesa Made Itoshi

Bouzu Kawai ya Kesa Made Itoshi

和尚好可爱呀连袈裟都好喜欢 / 坊主かわいや袈裟までいとし / Bouzu Kawaiya Kesa made Itoshi / Bozu Kawai ya Kesa Made Itoshi
honma akira
Shounen ai,Slice of Life
Chapter 1