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Arago / Arago - London Shikei Tokushu Hanzai Sousakan
arai takahiro
Chapter 84
Galaxy Express 999

Galaxy Express 999

銀河鉄道999 / Ginga Tetsudō Surī Nain / Ginga Tetsudou 999 / Goodbye Galaxy Express 999 / Sayonara Ginga Tetsudou 999
matsumoto leiji
Durarara!! - Saikahen

Durarara!! - Saikahen

デュラララ!! 罪歌編 / Drrr!! - A Song of Sins Compilation / Durarara!! - Saika-hen / Durarara!! Saika Arc
narita ryohgo
Chapter 16


เจ้าสาวของผมเป็น พระเจ้าแสนสวย / 菅原健二 / 願☆婚 / Gan Kon / Gan☆Kon / My Wife Is A Beautiful God!
sugawara kenji
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Volume 5 Chapter 46


เจ้าสาวของผมเป็น พระเจ้าแสนสวย / 菅原健二 / 願☆婚 / Gan Kon / Gan☆Kon / My Wife Is A Beautiful God!
sugawara kenji
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 23
Bara Kangoku no Kemono-tachi

Bara Kangoku no Kemono-tachi

薔薇監獄の獣たち / Abigail no Kemono-tachi / Beasts of Abigaile
naki ringo / bara kangoku no kemono-tachi 7
Chapter 6
Durarara!! Relay

Durarara!! Relay

デュラララ!! Relay / Durarara!! Relay
fujiya izuko / narita ryougo
Shoujo(G),Action,Comedy,Drama,Mystery,Romance,School Life
Chapter 5.5


เจ้าสาวของผมเป็น พระเจ้าแสนสวย / 菅原健二 / 願☆婚 / Gan Kon / Gan☆Kon / My Wife Is A Beautiful God!
sugawara kenji
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Volume 3 Chapter 18
Go for It!!

Go for It!!

Go for it!! [ゴーフォーイット!!]
narazaki souta / go for it!! 4
Chapter 3
Durarara!! Saika-hen

Durarara!! Saika-hen

デュラララ!! 罪歌編 / Drrr!! - A Song of Sins Compilation / Durarara!! - Saika-hen / Durarara!! Saika Arc
narita ryohgo
Chapter 16
Go! Go! Heaven!

Go! Go! Heaven!

고 고 헤븐 / 고고헤븐~자결소녀대 / GO!GO!HEAVEN! / GO!GO!HEAVEN! 自決少女隊
obara shinji / umino yuuko
Josei(W),Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 11
God Does Not Play Dice

God Does Not Play Dice

Caramel Dice / Kami wa Saikoro wo Furanai
takeuchi motoki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Adventure,Comedy,School Life,Supernatural
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Ai Hime - Ai to Himegoto

Ai Hime - Ai to Himegoto

あいひめ / あい・ひめ~愛と秘めごと~ / 爱秘密 / Ai Hime / Ai・Hime ~Love and Secret~ / Love princess- Love and Secret / Princesa del amor (Spanish) / حب و سر (arabic) / Ai herceg
mitsuki kako
Chapter 13
Appearance of the Yellow Dragon

Appearance of the Yellow Dragon

Yellow Dragon ga Arawareta!
tamura mitsuhisa (story & art)
Chapter 12
Akuma Bengoshi Kukabara

🇮🇹Akuma Bengoshi Kukabara

Demonic Attorney KUKABARA / Demonic Lawyer KUKABARA / Devil Advocate / Kukabara / 悪魔弁護士クカバラ / 悪魔弁護士KUKABARA
youn in-wan / yang kyung-il
Chapter 0
Because Goodbyes Are Coming Soon

Because Goodbyes Are Coming Soon

さようならが近いので / Because Goodbyes Are Comming Soon / Sayonara ga Chikai no de / لان الوداع سياتي قريبا (arabic)
yukimura makoto
Ergo Proxy

Ergo Proxy

センツォン・ヒッチャーズ&アンダーテイカー / Ergo Proxy: Centzon Hitchers and Undertaker
harao yumiko
God Eater - Kyuuseishu no Kikan

God Eater - Kyuuseishu no Kikan

GOD EATER −救世主の帰還 / God Eater - Messiah no Kikan / God Eater - The Return of Messiah
karasuyama eiji
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla

Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla

ゴジラvsスペースゴジラ / Godzilla vs Space Godzilla
sakai takayuki / kashiwabara hiroshi
Chapter 3
Ergo Proxy: Centzon Hitchers and Undertaker

Ergo Proxy: Centzon Hitchers and Undertaker

Ergo Proxy / センツォン・ヒッチャーズ&アンダーテイカー
harao yumiko;manglobe
Chapter 1
Gokuaku no Hana - Hokuto no Ken - Jagi Gaiden

Gokuaku no Hana - Hokuto no Ken - Jagi Gaiden

極悪ノ華 北斗の拳ジャギ外伝 / Gokuaku no Hana / Gokuaku no Hana - Hôkuto no Ken / Gokuaku no Hana - Hôkuto no Ken - Jagi Gaiden / Jagi Gaiden
hiromoto sin-ichi / hara tetsuo / buronson
Seinen(M),Action,Martial Arts,Tragedy
Volume 2 Chapter 2
Gokujou no Koibito

Gokujou no Koibito

Лучший любовник / 极上恋人 / 極上の恋人 / 極上戀人 / First Rate Lover / The Best Lover (MINASE Masara)
minase masara
Yaoi(BL),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Bara Kangoku no Kemono-tachi

🇪🇸Bara Kangoku no Kemono-tachi

Abigaile no Kemono-tachi / Beasts of Abigaile / 薔薇監獄の獣たち
aoki spika (naki ringo)
Volume 3 Chapter 15
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Vento Aureo

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Vento Aureo

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Giorno Giovana: Golden Heritage
araki hirohiko
Chapter 1
Gokujou no Yoru wo Ageru

Gokujou no Yoru wo Ageru

極上の夜をあげる / Paradise Cafe (MORITA Fuji)
morita fuji
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Gokuraku Cafe

Gokuraku Cafe

極楽カフェ / Caffè Paradiso / Caffe' / Paradise / Paradise Cafe
mamahara ellie
Comedy,Shounen ai
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

The Sunday without God
irie kimihito / abara heiki
Chapter 28
Gokuraku Doumei

Gokuraku Doumei

極楽同盟 / 극락동맹 / Paradise Union
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Sports
Volume 2 Chapter 10
Gold Rush 21

Gold Rush 21

ゴールドラッシュ21 / ゴールドラッシュ21
fujiwara kiyo
Shoujo(G),Drama,Gender Bender,Slice of Life
Aratama Tribe

Aratama Tribe

gotsubo ryuuji
Chapter 7
Bara Kangoku no Kemono-tachi

Bara Kangoku no Kemono-tachi

Abigaile no Kemono-tachi / Beasts of Abigaile / 薔薇監獄の獣たち
aoki spika (naki ringo)
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Dragon Ball dj - The Drop of Moonlight

Dragon Ball dj - The Drop of Moonlight

hatarakimasen. / oniyuri
Chapter 0
Golden Days

Golden Days

ゴールデン・デイズ / ゴールデン.デイズ / 골든 데이즈 / Hồi ức vàng (vietnam) / أيام المجد - الأيام الذهبية - (Arabic)
takao shigeru
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Shounen ai
Goodbye Midori Chan

Goodbye Midori Chan

さよならみどりちゃん / Goodbye Midori / Sayonara Midori-chan
minami q-ta
Josei(W),Mature,Drama,Slice of Life
Chapter 7
Dragon Eye

Dragon Eye

ドラゴンアイ , 龍眼 , Cậu bé mắt rồng , Ryuu no Hitomi / عين التنين (arabic)
fujiyama kairi
Volume 8 Chapter 27
Gorgeous Charat

Gorgeous Charat

ゴージャス・カラット / ゴージャス・カラット-暗闇の美徳- / Gorgeous Carat / Gorgeous Carat: Virtue of Darkness
higuri yuu
Action,Adventure,Drama,Mystery,Shounen ai
Volume 3 Chapter 3