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Kami no Fune de Nemuru
Sleeping on Paper Boats / 紙の舟で眠る
Yatsuda Teki
🇮🇩Aku Berubah Menjadi Gagak (Official)
Of all things, I Became a Crow / 하필이면 까마귀가 되어버렸다
Sylvester / Glee
🇰🇷Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Reincarnation,Romance
The Crow's Prince
After All, I Became a Crow / Aku Berubah Menjadi Gagak / I Became a Crow / I Have Become a Crow / I Have Turned Into a Crow of All Things / I've Become a Crow / Of All Things, I Became a Crow / 偏偏变成了乌鸦 / 하필이면 까마귀가 되어버렸다
Silvestar / GLEE
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Animals,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Reincarnation,Romance,Video Games
🇮🇩Operation True Love |Cont. By RHEA|
작전명 순정
Kkokkalee / Dledumb
I Couldn't Sleep, Until My 'Sleep-Friend' Senpai Trained Me With His Sleep Inducing Sex~
眠れない私がソフレ先輩のぐちゃとろ寝かしつけ交尾に躾けられるまで / Nemurenai Watashi ga Sofure Senpai no guchi ~ Yatoro Nekashitsuke kobi ni Shitsuke Kerareru made
Kamigamo / Natsuwo
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Manga,Oneshot,Josei(W),Adult,Hentai,Mature,Smut,College life,Romance
Black Clover (Official)
Kara Yonca / Noir Clover / Schwarzer Klee / Trevo Negro / Trifoglio Nero / Trifoiul Negru / Trébol Negro / Черный клевер / البرسيم الأسود / بلاك كلوفر / ブラッククローバー / 黑色五叶草 / 블랙 클로버
Yūki Tabata
🇮🇩Melarikan Diri Dari Pemburu ( Cont. By Vivian)
사냥꾼에게서 도망쳤다 / Flee From the Hunter
There Are No Rules in the Bedroom!
ベッド上は無法地帯につき / Bed Jou wa Muhou Chitai ni Tsuki / 침대 위는 무법지대이므로
nocori / 10 Hour Sleep
Shin'yuu to Gouri Teki ni Yaru Houhou
How to convince your best friend to sleep with you / วิธีหลอกล่อเพื่อนซี้ให้มีใจ / 親友と合理的にヤる方法 / 친구와 합리적으로 하는 방법
Room to Room [Tappytoon version]
De Quarto À Quarto / Комнаты напротив / ノンケの同居人は夜だけ淫乱 / 房外的房 / 방 건너 방
Lee Aru
How to Protect My Male Lead
내 남자 주인공을 지키는 방법
Leeha Seo / Marucomics
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Reincarnation,Revenge,Romance,Royalty
🇮🇩My Unexpected Marriage (Official)
Kont’un Gayrimeşru Çocugu Evlenirse / Les Noces gelées / When the Count's Illegitimate Daughter Gets Married / Когда незаконнорожденная дочь графа / 伯爵家の嫌われ公女が結婚したら / 伯爵家私生女的婚後生活 / 当伯爵家的私生女结婚时 / 백작가의 사생아가 결혼하면
Ratshu / Culturalmatt
🇮🇩Operation: pure Love [TTANVERSE]
Operation Name True Love / Operation: Name True Love / Operation Name Pure Love / Operation: Name Pure Love / Pure Love Operation / 작전명 순정
kkokkalee / Dledumb
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life
Window to Window
Chang Neomeo Chang / Janela Além Da Janela / Janela Para Janela / Window Beyond The Window / Window Beyond Window / Окна напротив / 窗外的窗 / 창 너머 창
Lee Aru
🇰🇷Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Drama,Romance,School Life
Tired of Life, The Strongest Magician Gave up and Fell Asleep
人生に疲れた最強魔術師は諦めて眠ることにした / Jinsei ni Tsukareta Saikyou Majutsushi wa Akiramete Nemuru Koto ni Shita
🇮🇩Grand Duchess of the North, It's Cold
북부 대공 부인, 추워서 못 하겠습니다/ •Rubykia•
Lemonsubak / Lee Geon / Yeoncho
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Reincarnation,Time Travel
Dare demo Iikara Daitekukre Uke ni bakari Moteru Bijin Fukukaichou-sama no Junan
Anyone! I Don't Care who... Sleep with Me!! -The Hot Student Council Vice Pres. who Only Gets Hit on by Bottoms-
Shuichi / Antama
Manga,Yaoi(BL),Smut,Comedy,Romance,School Life
🇮🇩More, More, More! Intimately Acquainted cont. [BaruBelajar]
더더더! 찐하게 아는 사이/More, More, More! Intimately Acquainted
Kaylee / Red Peach Studio
🇰🇷Josei(W),Adult,Mature,Smut,Adaptation,College life,Comedy,Drama,Romance
🇮🇩Satu-satunya Wanita yang Mereka Ingat (Official)
Truthfully, They Only Remembered Her / เพียงเธอคนนั้นที่พวกเขายังจดจำ / 他們唯一惦記的她 / 実は彼らは彼女だけを覚えていました / 사실, 그들은 오직 그녀만을 기억하고 있었습니다 / They Only Remembered Her
Ryu heeon / Nubi / shin leeho
🇰🇷Shoujo(G),Fantasy,Historical,Reverse Harem,Romance
Room to Room [Lezhin version]
De Quarto À Quarto / Комнаты напротив / ノンケの同居人は夜だけ淫乱 / 房外的房 / 방 건너 방
Lee Aru
A Story About a Man and a Woman and When They Sleep Together, Money Appears Out of Nowhere
Ichaicha suruto okane ga wai chau danjo no hanashi / イチャイチャするとお金が湧いちゃう2人の話 / イチャイチャするとお金が湧いちゃう男女の話 / Cerita tentang seorang pria dan seorang wanita yang saat "bermesraan" uang muncul entah darimana
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko
ねむり男とこい男 / 眠り男と恋男 / A Sleeping Man and a Loving Man / Nemuriotoko to Koiotoko / The Awaiting Flower / Yoru wo Nigeru
zariya ranmaru
Yaoi(BL),Mature,Smut,Romance,Slice of Life
I'm going to eat you - My story of being eaten by a pure and super-cute girlfriend I fell in love with!
たべちゃうぞ〜ベタ惚れした清純派激カワ彼女に食われる俺の話〜 / Tabechauzo 〜 Beta Hore Shita Seijun-ha Geki kawa Kanojo ni Kuwareru Ore no Hanashi 〜
10 Hour Sleep / nocori
Watashi no Otto wa Reitouko ni Nemutte Iru
My Husband Is Sleeping in the Freezer / Watakushi no Otto wa Reitou koni Nemuteiru / 私の夫は冷凍庫に眠っている
Yazuki Misaki / Takara Hyaku
Drama,Horror,Mystery,Psychological,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Room to Love
방 건너 충성!
Lee Aru
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Drama,Full Color,Military,Romance
Kareshi ga Shite Kurenai! Dogan Kyonyu Shojo no Yoru no o Nayami
彼氏がシてくれないっ!~童顔巨乳処女の夜のお悩み / My Boyfriend Won't Sleep With Me!
Haruomi-kun, Dakasetekudasai!
Let Me Sleep with You, Haruomi-kun! / 晴臣くん、抱かせてください!
🇯🇵Josei(W),Shoujo(G),Smut,Romance,Slice of Life
Woman's Best Friend
Pesona Boss Galak / Pet Dog's Rules / The Good Pet Guide / นายหมาบ้าที่รัก / 宠物狗的规则 / 忠犬的行動準則 / 愛犬の法則 / 애완견의 법칙
Dodam / Hyun Sung Lee
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Drama,Full Color,Office Workers,Romance,Slice of Life
Is This True Love?
Love From the Sky / Haneul-i Naelin Yeon-ae / Kekasih dari Langit / 하늘이 내린 연애
Lee Sun Hee / Lee Sunhee
Lay Me to Sleep!
Nemurenai kara Daitekure! / 眠れないから抱いてくれ! / 無法入眠的我需要你的擁抱!
Gen Kurinomaru
Seven Days of Lust - Omegaverse Anthology
A Week of Desire ~An Omega Bus Short Story~ / A Week of Lust / Beta Test (베타테스트) / Clinical Matters of the Heart (두근두근 임상실험) / Love is Love (사랑 은 사랑) / Mutual Enemies (견원 지간) / Sleepless Nights (전전반측) / The Melting Point (녹는 점) / Неделя желания / 욕망의 일주일 / 욕망의 일주일 ~오메가버스 단편선
Fujoking / Hato / Hoben / Lee Aru / MEL / Pyoryu
A Week of Lust [fan-translation]
Seven Days of Lust: Omegaverse Anthology / A Week of Desire ~An Omega Bus Short Story~ / A Week of Lust / Beta Test (베타테스트) / Clinical Matters of the Heart (두근두근 임상실험) / Love is Love (사랑 은 사랑) / Mutual Enemies (견원 지간) / No Need to Talk (말하지 않아도) / Sleepless Nights (전전반측) / The Melting Point (녹는 점) / Неделя желания / 욕망의 일주일 / 욕망의 일주일 ~오메가버스 단편선
Fujo King / Ha To / Ho Ben / Lee Aru / MEL / Pyo Ryu / Tto Mi
🇰🇷Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Mature,Anthology,Drama,Omegaverse,Romance,Shounen ai
The Lady's Law of Survival (Official)
Aturan Lady untuk Bertahan Hidup / La Ley De Supervivencia De La Señorita / The Surviving Rule Of Lady / レディー生存の法則 / 淑女的生存法则 / 레이디 생존의 법칙
LEELIM / bloomy / Yeyoung / YumYum
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Reincarnation,Romance,Time Travel
Again and again, with you ~The sleeping prince is attacked by the reincarnated librarian~
何度でも、きみと~眠りの王子は転生司書に襲われる~ / Nando demo, Kimi to ~Nemuri no Ouji wa Tensei Shisho ni Osowareru~
Kashiwagi zonbi
Struck by an Obscene Curse
이소윤 (lee so-yoon) / 레드피치스튜디오 (red peach studio)
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adult,Mature,Smut,Adaptation,Fantasy,Fetish,Historical,Magic,Reverse Harem,Romance,Royalty