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Slayers - Rui Rui Teinyu (Doujinshi)

Slayers - Rui Rui Teinyu (Doujinshi)

るいるい亭にゅ / Slayers dj - Rui Rui Teinyu
araizumi rui
Volume 5 Chapter 0
Inugami-san to Sarutobi-kun wa Naka ga Warui.

🇵🇹Inugami-san to Sarutobi-kun wa Naka ga Warui.

A Dog and Monkey Relationship. / 犬神さんと猿飛くんは仲が悪い。 / Inu Saru Warui / Inugami-san and Sarutobi-kun Have a Bad Relationship / Inugami-san to Sarutobi-kun wa Naka ga Warui / Inugami-san y Sarutobi-kun tienen una mala relación
tachibana roku
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Drama,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 4
Touhou - Madness in Bloom (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Madness in Bloom (Doujinshi)

Ouka Gurui / Touhou - Madness in Bloom / Touhou dj - Madness in Bloom / 桜花狂
golden pe done / masugitsune / kawazu kuu
Volume 3 Chapter 0
Akarui Kazoku Keikaku

Akarui Kazoku Keikaku

あかるい家族計画 / Cheerful Family Plan
yoshikawa arata
Shoujo(G),Harem,Reverse Harem,Romance
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Yuusha ga Shinda!

Yuusha ga Shinda!

勇者が死んだ! 村人の俺が掘った落とし穴に勇者が落ちた結果。 / 勇者死了!是因为勇者掉进了作为村民的我挖的陷阱里 / Murabito no Ore ga Hotta Otoshiana ni Yuusha ga Ochita Kekka / The Hero Is Dead!
subaruichi / yuusha ga shinda! 198
Chapter 197
It's Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular!

🇫🇷It's Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular!

私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! / No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular! / WataMote / Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
tanigawa nico
Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,Psychological,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 108
Torokechatte mo Ii no?

🇪🇸Torokechatte mo Ii no?

Amakute Zurui Wana no Naka / あまくてズルい罠のなか / 甜蜜而又狡猾的陷阱之中
ando mai
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Chapter 0
Fairy Tail - Blue Mistral

Fairy Tail - Blue Mistral

watanabe rui
Chapter 5
Yuri Shoujo

Yuri Shoujo

百合少女 / Delivery (Houjou KOZ) / Ipheion / Next to You
chinjaoroosu / hidaka joo / houjou kozu / inoue shinkai / jyunai kyo / kimikawa rui / kitao taki / mihara gorie / miman / mitou kana / riiruu / shii hirone / amamiya ryou / hayase akira
Yuri(GL),Romance,School Life
Chapter 3
It's Not My Fault That My Friend's Not Popular.

It's Not My Fault That My Friend's Not Popular.

私の友達がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い。 / Watamote / Watashi no Tomodachi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui.
tanigawa nico
Shounen(B),Comedy,Slice of Life
Chapter 28


Aru Itou / Aru-Itou / あるいとう / Love Moves Forward / 恋爱向前冲
nanaji nagamu
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Thaeria - Dancing with the Devil

Thaeria - Dancing with the Devil

Tales of Thaeria: Dancing with the Devil / Thaeria - Dancing with the Devil / Thaeria: Dancing with the devil
Chapter 1.2
It's Not My Fault That My Friend's Not Popular.

🇵🇹It's Not My Fault That My Friend's Not Popular.

私の友達がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い。 / Watamote / Watashi no Tomodachi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui.
tanigawa nico
Shounen(B),Comedy,Slice of Life
Chapter 1
Tales of Zestiria Comic Anthology

Tales of Zestiria Comic Anthology

akiba ruiki / horiguchi reo
Chapter 1
Fruits Basket

Fruits Basket

Корзинка фруктов / フルバ / フルーツバスケット / سلة الفواكة / 水果篮子 / 후르츠 바스켓 / Furuba / Giỏ Trái Cây
takaya natsuki
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Harem,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
vol.CAT ch.001
Sekai de Ichiban Warui Majo

Sekai de Ichiban Warui Majo

أسوء ساحرة في العالم / 世界で一番悪い魔女 / 世界第一邪恶魔女 / The worst witch in the world.
kusakawa nari / sekai de ichiban warui majo 29
Chapter 26
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita - Nonbirishita Houkoku

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita - Nonbirishita Houkoku

人類は衰退しました のんびりした報告 / Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita: Nonbirishita Houkoku / Закат человечества: Хроники
tanaka romio / mitomi takuya
Volume 1 Chapter 6
Shokuryou Jinrui

Shokuryou Jinrui

食糧人類 / 食糧人類-Starving Anonymous- / 식량인류 / Human Race for Food
kuraishi yuu / mizutani kengo / inabe kazu
Chapter 25
Akai Mi Hajiketa

Akai Mi Hajiketa

紅い実はじけた / The Red Fruit Burst
takahashi natsuko
Chapter 13
Tian Mei De Yao Hen [fan-translation]

Tian Mei De Yao Hen [fan-translation]

甜美的咬痕 / Sweet Bite
rui si / yi kai
Chapter 19
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita - Nonbirishita Houkoku

🇪🇸Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita - Nonbirishita Houkoku

人類は衰退しました のんびりした報告 / Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita: Nonbirishita Houkoku / Закат человечества: Хроники
tanaka romio / mitomi takuya
Volume 1 Chapter 2


rui yuri
Yuri(GL),Smut,Shoujo ai
Chapter 12


ギッミク / Attack Love
someya rui
Comedy,Romance,Shounen ai
Chapter 1
Kuchibiruiro no Bara no Hana

Kuchibiruiro no Bara no Hana

唇色のばらのはな / Rose of Lip Color
fuyuno ikuya
Chapter 1
Kiben Gakuha, Yotsuya Senpai no Kaidan.

Kiben Gakuha, Yotsuya Senpai no Kaidan.

詭弁学派、四ツ谷先輩の怪談 / Kiben Gakuha, Yotsuya Sempai no Kaidan
furudate haruichi
Shounen(B),Drama,Horror,Mystery,Psychological,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 19
Kurui Naku no wa Boku no Ban Beta

Kurui Naku no wa Boku no Ban Beta

Kurui Naku no wa Boku no Ban ;β / 狂い鳴くのは僕の番 ;β / It’s my turn to wildly cry out
Kusabi Keri
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Omegaverse,Romance,Slice of Life


Aru Itou / Aru-Itou / あるいとう / Love Moves Forward / 恋爱向前冲
nanaji nagamu
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life
Chapter 0
Love Cruise

🇪🇸Love Cruise

Kawai no ga Osuki / Otameshikudasai / Ryuujin Sama to Oyoumesama / Ryuujin-sama to Oyome-sama
ohmi tomu
Chapter 4


ギッミク / Attack Love
someya rui
Comedy,Romance,Shounen ai
Chapter 1
One Piece x Toriko

One Piece x Toriko

One Piece x Toriko Crossover: Taste of the Devil Fruit
shimabukuro mitsutoshi / oda eiichiro
Chapter 0
Nante Zurui Otoko

Nante Zurui Otoko

なんてズルイ男 / Unfair Man / Such A Sly Guy / What A Sly Guy
yamanaka riko
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Bright World Project

🇫🇷Bright World Project

Akarui Sekai Keikaku / 人类补完计划 光明世界计划 / 밝은 세계 계획 / 明るいセカイ計画
aoki aki / izumi kouki
Volume 2 Chapter 14
Gin no Kajitsu

Gin no Kajitsu

銀の果実 / Silver Fruit
sakamoto mano
Yaoi(BL),Drama,Mystery,School Life
Chapter 2
Natsu no Zangai

Natsu no Zangai

夏の残骸 / Ruins of Summer
touda yoshimi
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 32
Nekogurui Minako-san

Nekogurui Minako-san

ねこぐるい美奈子さん / Cat crazy Minako-san
aoki shin / nekogurui minako-san 77
Seinen(M),Comedy,Slice of Life
Chapter 76
Haikyo Shoujo

Haikyo Shoujo

廃墟少女 / Boushi no Ue no Oka / Ongaku ga Mieru Otoko / Ruinenmärchen / Tansu Shoujo
nao tsukiji
Chapter 0