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Fate/stay night & Fate/hollow ataraxia - Kore demo Watashi no Goshujin-sama (Doujinshi)

Fate/stay night & Fate/hollow ataraxia - Kore demo Watashi no Goshujin-sama (Doujinshi)

これでも私の御主人様 / これでも私の御主人様2 MAID IN HEAVEN / Fate hollow ataraxia dj - Despite Everything He Is My Master 2: Maid In Heaven / Fate hollow ataraxia dj - Kore demo Watashi no Goshujin-sama 2: Maid In Heaven / Fate stay night dj - Despite Everything He Is My Master / Fate stay night dj - Kore demo Watashi no Goshujin-sama / Fate/hollow ataraxia dj - Despite Everything He Is My Master 2: Maid In Heaven / Fate/hollow ataraxia dj - Kore demo Watashi no Goshujin-sama 2: Maid In Heaven / Fate/stay night dj - Despite Everything He Is My Master / Fate/stay night dj - Kore demo Watashi no Goshujin-sama
hoshi no sunadokei (circle) / mizutani hozumi
Volume 2 Chapter 0
Hokuto no Ken & Pocket Monsters - Pokémon Tougijou (Doujinshi)

🇵🇹Hokuto no Ken & Pocket Monsters - Pokémon Tougijou (Doujinshi)

ポケモン闘技場 / Fist of the North Star dj - Pokémon Stadium / Hokuto no Ken dj - Pokémon Tougijou / Pocket Monsters dj - Pokémon Tougijou / Pokémon dj - Pokémon Stadium / Pokemon dj - Pokemon Stadium: Pikachu's Revival!!
ojou no yokushitsu (circle) / aya
Doujinshi,Action,Comedy,Martial Arts
Chapter 0
Pocket Monsters - Pure Love Surrender (doujinshi)

🇩🇪Pocket Monsters - Pure Love Surrender (doujinshi)

Pokemon dj - Pure Love Surrender
iyo / kika
Doujinshi,Shounen ai,Slice of Life
Chapter 0
Pocket Monsters - untitled (doujinshi)

🇹🇷Pocket Monsters - untitled (doujinshi)

Pokemon Doujinshi - Green's Eevee
Ƿ?華野菜� Ͽ?
Chapter 0


higashizato kirico
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Pocket Monsters RéBURST

Pocket Monsters RéBURST

ポケットモンスターRéBURST / ポケットモンスターReBURST / Pocket Monster RéBURST / Pocket Monster Reburst / Pocket Monsters Réburst / Pocket Monsters Reburst / Pokémon RéBurst / Pokémon RéBURST / Pokemon Réburst / Pokemon Reburst
kusude jin / tamura mitsuhisa
Volume 8 Chapter 71
Pocket Monsters RéBURST

🇹🇷Pocket Monsters RéBURST

ポケットモンスターRéBURST / ポケットモンスターReBURST / Pocket Monster RéBURST / Pocket Monster Reburst / Pocket Monsters Réburst / Pocket Monsters Reburst / Pokémon RéBurst / Pokémon RéBURST / Pokemon Réburst / Pokemon Reburst
kusude jin / tamura mitsuhisa
Volume 2 Chapter 7
Full Moon Joker

Full Moon Joker

takamiya satoru
Shoujo(G),Action,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Tenshi Tokei

Tenshi Tokei

Angel Clock
watanabe yuuna, yuuki azusa / watanabe yuuna
Chapter 5
Pocket Monsters SPECIAL ORAS

Pocket Monsters SPECIAL ORAS

ポケットモンスターSPECIAL Ωルビー・αサファイア / Pocket Monsters SPECIAL Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire / Pokémon Adventures ORAS / Pokémon La Grande Aventure ROSA / Pokémon SPECIAL Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
kusaka hidenori / yamamoto satoshi
Chapter 21
Sand Chronicles

Sand Chronicles

Sunadokei / 砂时计 / 砂時計 / La Clessidra (Italian) / Le Sablier (French) / Reloj de Arena (Spanish) / Sand Chronicle / Sand Chronicles / Suna Dokei / The Hour Glass
ashihara hinako
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 15.1
Hotoke ni Fasuna

🇪🇸Hotoke ni Fasuna

makita nao
Chapter 0
Pocket Monsters SPECIAL ORAS

🇪🇸Pocket Monsters SPECIAL ORAS

ポケットモンスターSPECIAL Ωルビー・αサファイア / Pocket Monsters SPECIAL Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire / Pokémon Adventures ORAS / Pokémon La Grande Aventure ROSA / Pokémon SPECIAL Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
kusaka hidenori / yamamoto satoshi
Chapter 21
Pocket Monsters SPECIAL XY

🇪🇸Pocket Monsters SPECIAL XY

Pokémon Adventures XY / Pokémon SPECIAL XY
kusaka hidenori / yamamoto satoshi
Volume 2 Chapter 9
Full Moon Joker

Full Moon Joker

?????????? / Furu Muun Joker
takamiya, satoru (story & art)
Chapter 2
Lying Mii-kun and Broken Maa-chan: Precious Lies

Lying Mii-kun and Broken Maa-chan: Precious Lies

Usotsuki Mi-kun to Kowareta Ma-chan Totteoki no Uso
iruma hiruma / satou atsunori
Seinen(M),Mystery,Psychological,Romance,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Chapter 3
Hotoke no Kao mo Sando Made

Hotoke no Kao mo Sando Made

仏の顔も三度まで / Hotoko no Kao mo Sando Made
yoshihara nozomi
Chapter 0
Pocket Monsters SPECIAL XY

Pocket Monsters SPECIAL XY

Pokémon Adventures XY / Pokémon SPECIAL XY
kusaka hidenori / yamamoto satoshi
Volume 1 Chapter 7
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition ~ Ransei's Color Picture Scroll ~

Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition ~ Ransei's Color Picture Scroll ~

ポケモン+ノブナガの野望 ~ランセ彩絵巻~ / Pokémon + Nobunaga no Yabou ~Ranse Iroemaki~ / Pokémon Conquest ~ Ransei's Color Picture Scroll ~ / Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition: Ranse's Colour Picture Scroll / Pokemon Conquest: Ranse's Colour Picture Scroll
nanatsumu launch
Chapter 1
Karaoke no Hi

Karaoke no Hi

Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 1
Pokémon - Dating a Team Magma Grunt (Doujinshi)

Pokémon - Dating a Team Magma Grunt (Doujinshi)

마그마단 조무래기랑 사귀는 만화 / Pocket Monsters dj - Dating a Team Magma Grunt / Pokémon - Pacaran dengan Anggota Team Magma / Pokémon dj - Dating a Team Magma Grunt / Pokémon dj - Saliendo con una recluta del Equipo Magma
Doujinshi,Ecchi,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 10
Pokémon - Dating a Team Magma Grunt (Doujinshi)

🇪🇸Pokémon - Dating a Team Magma Grunt (Doujinshi)

마그마단 조무래기랑 사귀는 만화 / Pocket Monsters dj - Dating a Team Magma Grunt / Pokémon - Pacaran dengan Anggota Team Magma / Pokémon dj - Dating a Team Magma Grunt / Pokémon dj - Saliendo con una recluta del Equipo Magma
Doujinshi,Ecchi,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 10.5
Gakuen Babysitters

Gakuen Babysitters

学园保姆 / 学园Babysitters / 学園ベビーシッターズ / 學園奶爸 / 學園Babysitters / นักเรียนพี่เลี้ยงเด็ก / Anh Chàng Bảo Mẫu / Baby-sitters / School Babysitters
tokeino hari / gakuen babysitters 113
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Volume 7 Chapter 93
How I Became a Pokémon Card

How I Became a Pokémon Card

Pokémon Card Ni Natta Wake / Pokemon Kaado ni Natta Wake
himeno kagemaru
Volume 6 Chapter 38
Pokémon - Dating a Team Magma Grunt (Doujinshi)

🇩🇪Pokémon - Dating a Team Magma Grunt (Doujinshi)

마그마단 조무래기랑 사귀는 만화 / Pocket Monsters dj - Dating a Team Magma Grunt / Pokémon - Pacaran dengan Anggota Team Magma / Pokémon dj - Dating a Team Magma Grunt / Pokémon dj - Saliendo con una recluta del Equipo Magma
Doujinshi,Ecchi,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 3
Pokémon - We're The Mew Detective Team

🇫🇷Pokémon - We're The Mew Detective Team

ポケトモンスターオレたちミュウ探偵団 / オレたちミュウ探偵団 / Ore tachi mew tantei dan / Ore tachi myuu tantei dan / Pocket Monsters: We're The Mew Research Team / Pokémon - Nous sommes l'équipe de recherche de Mew ! / Pokémon: We're The Mew Research Team / Pokemon: We're The Mew Research Team / Poketo monsutaa - ore tachi mew tantei dan / Poketo monsutaa - ore tachi myuu tantei dan
seino nana
Chapter 0
Human Clock

Human Clock

Ningen Tokei / Scary Story: Human Clock / 怪談人間時計
tokunan seiichirō
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Pokémon - We're The Mew Detective Team

Pokémon - We're The Mew Detective Team

ポケトモンスターオレたちミュウ探偵団 / オレたちミュウ探偵団 / Ore tachi mew tantei dan / Ore tachi myuu tantei dan / Pocket Monsters: We're The Mew Research Team / Pokémon - Nous sommes l'équipe de recherche de Mew ! / Pokémon: We're The Mew Research Team / Pokemon: We're The Mew Research Team / Poketo monsutaa - ore tachi mew tantei dan / Poketo monsutaa - ore tachi myuu tantei dan
seino nana
Pokémon Chamo-Chamo ☆ Pretty ♪

Pokémon Chamo-Chamo ☆ Pretty ♪

Pocket Monsters Chamo-Chamo Pretty / Pokémon Chamo-Chamo Pretty / Pokemon Chamo-Chamo Pretty
tsukirino yumi
vol.2 ch.12-27
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Smoke and Shadow

🇹🇷Avatar: The Last Airbender - Smoke and Shadow

gene luen yang / gurihiru
vol.Part 1 ch.0
Gakuen Babysitters

Gakuen Babysitters

Gakuen Babysisters
tokeino, hari (story & art)
Shoujo(G),Comedy,School Life
Chapter 89
Fukigen na Mononokean

🇪🇸Fukigen na Mononokean

Asık Suratlı Mononokean / 不機嫌なモノノケ庵 / 忧郁的物怪庵 / El Mononokean Malhumorado / 불쾌한 모노노케안 / La Mononokean Malhumorada / The Morose Mononokean
wazawa kiri
Shounen(B),Comedy,Fantasy,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Chapter 52
Hungry Joker

🇮🇹Hungry Joker

ハングリージョーカー / HUNGRY JOKER
tabata yuuki
Volume 2 Chapter 15
Pokémon DP

Pokémon DP

ポケモンD・P / ポケモンDP / ポケモンDP 2―ポケットモンスターダイヤモ / ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド・パール / ンド・パール物語 / Pocket Monster Diamond Pearl Monogatari / Pocket Monsters Diamond-Pearl Legend: Pokémon DP / Pocket Monsters DP / Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Adventure! / Pokemon DP
ihara shigekatsu
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All

Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All

Get Pokémon! / Pocket Monsters Get da ze! / Pocket Monsters Getto da ze! / Pocket Monsters Getto Daze! / Pokémon Attrapez les tous ! / Pokémon Get da ze! / Pokémon Getto da ze! / Pokemon Getto Daze!
asada miho
Volume 5 Chapter 69
Hungry Joker

🇪🇸Hungry Joker

ハングリージョーカー / HUNGRY JOKER
tabata yuuki
Chapter 20